Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rachel's Story - Taking Meds

It's summertime and my schedule is a little more laid back. That being said, I'm finding it hard to keep to a strict routine when it comes to taking my meds (especially my morning ones). I sleep in some mornings and then I take them a little later or forget altogether! Before, when people have expressed having difficulty taking meds, I have never been able to relate, but now I definitely can. I've tried leaving them right out on the counter where I can see them first thing in the morning and I've tried setting a watch alarm (which I have proceeded to sleep through!).

Then, I also have the problem where even if I think I've taken them in the morning, I'm not absolutely sure and wonder if I should take them again later on. I guess I need one of those pill boxes with the times of day written on it.

In the winter, when I was first discharged from the hospital, I was really vigilant and never ran into these problems. My schedule was a little more consistent then and the meds were easier to keep track of. Does anyone else have issues like this, other issues related to meds or solutions to these issues?


melba11 said...

Hi Rachel

I have had these problems with meds as well but since using the pill boxes and putting it on my dresser so I see it when I get up has helped.

I am hanging in there and making some slow progress in this battle.


rachel said...

HI Melba,

Glad to hear you're making progress. Have you found a new PDOC yet?


Melba11 said...

No haven't found a new PDOC yet. Did consult with one but he was not a good fit.

Will likely be going without after seeing the one I have one more time. Have to ask if she did make the referral to the ROH.

Didn't think it was going to be this hard.

Take care