18. Your support today and for years to follow will help us improve mental health outcome — Thank you.
17. For each completed suicide there are 100 attempts, and over 23,000 Canadians are hospitalized each year for a suicide attempt.
16. In Canada, suicide is the leading cause of death for men aged 25 to 29 and 40 to 44, and for women aged 30 to 34. It is the second leading cause of death among youth aged 15 to 24.
15. Mental illnesses usually strike individuals in the prime of their lives, often during adolescence and young adulthood.
14. Mental illnesses are biologically based brain disorders. They cannot be overcome through "will power" and are not related to a person's "character" or intelligence.
13. Mental illnesses can affect persons of any age, race, religion, or income.
12. In response to societal stigma and negative stereotypes about mental illness, people often conceal symptoms and fail to seek treatment.
11. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women from adolescence to middle age.
10. Percentage of dollars invested in mental health research: less than 5%.
9. Annual direct and indirect cost to the Canadian economy of mental illness: $14 Billion.
8. Average length of stay in a psychiatric hospital in Canada: 96 days.
7. Rank of hospital bed-days consumed by mental illness compared to other illness: #1.
6. Projected rank of mental illness in terms of "disease burden" by the year 2020: #1.
4. Percentage of work days lost in Canada accounted for by mental illness: 30%.
3. Rank of mental illness in terms of medical disability claims: #1.
2. Mental illness indirectly affects all Canadians at some time through a family member, friend or colleague.
1. Likelihood that you will suffer from a mental disorder at some point in your life: 1 in 5 .
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